We Force Government To Reveal Restrictions On Children Who Qualify For The 'Dubs Scheme'

On Tuesday, the Home Office was forced to reveal that the only male teenagers it will accept from Calais under the Dubs amendment will be those who come from Sudan or Syria. This means those from Yemen, Afghanistan and Eritrea who do not have family in the UK will not be offered sanctuary in the UK.

Citizens UK’s Safe Passage team estimates that around 40% of the children who were in Calais at the time of the demolition are Eritrean or Afghan.

Rabbi Janet Darley, Citizens UK Leader, described the new guidelines as “unforgivable”, she went on to accuse the UK of “back-tracking on its commitment to vulnerable refugee children in Europe… By ruling out children from Eritrea and Afghanistan, the Home Secretary is arbitrarily preventing many vulnerable children from being helped by the Dubs amendment, and will make it impossible for her to keep her promise that the UK would take “half” of the unaccompanied children in Calais.”

The story is covered in today’s Guardian.


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