Application & Interview Guidance

Do you want to join our incredible team at Safe Passage? We are a small but growing team of committed people who care deeply about the work we do. We look for people who are genuinely motivated and passionate to make a difference.

At Safe Passage, we understand that for many of us Imposter Syndrome can trigger common feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy. Whilst we believe this is a reflection of the wider systemic issues of oppression in the world that we face on a daily basis, we also believe that this should not get the better of you and put you off applying for a role with us. At Safe Passage, you don’t have to tick all the boxes for the role you apply for.

If you are excited by an open role but do not have all the experience you think is needed, we would encourage you to apply anyway and reach out for a chat beforehand to discuss why you would like to apply for the role and what skills or experiences you think are relevant. We would love to hear from you!

Additional Support

We appreciate the efforts applicants make to apply for roles but understand that the application process can be daunting, especially for first time applicants. That is why we feel you may find the below external tools useful for your preparation and application to our roles at Safe Passage.

πŸ’‘ Tips for first-time Charity sector applicants

πŸ’‘ Cover Letter guide

πŸ’‘ Cover Letter advice for if you have no specific charity sector experience

πŸ’‘ Writing your CV

πŸ’‘ Interviews: Tips for online interviews

πŸ’‘ Interviews: STAR Method