Safe Passage UK

Our UK team works to safely reunite child refugees with their families in the UK. 

Working alongside Safe Passage staff in Greece and France, as well as with support organisations in other countries, we help refugee children across Europe and beyond who are looking to reach relatives in the UK.

Safe Passage International is registered with the Office for Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) at Level 3 in the category of Asylum and Protection and Level 2 of the category of Immigration. Our team is made up of registered OISC advisors, solicitors and a caseworker.  

Helping child refugees to safely reunite with their families

We specialise in providing free advice and representation to unaccompanied refugee children and separated families in family reunion applications under the Immigration Rules or outside the Rules based on human rights.  

We provide free legal advice and support in applications for entry clearance to the UK for unaccompanied children who wish to join their family in the UK. In particular, our team will: 

  1. Advise the child and their family about making an application for entry clearance to the UK; 

  2. Advise on the eligibility requirements, timeframes and evidence necessary for applying; 

  3. Prepare witness statements with the child, UK-based family members and other relevant parties; 

  4. Collect necessary evidence for the application, including expert reports when relevant; 

  5. Complete the online application form and any necessary paper forms ; 

  6. Monitor the decision-making process of the Home Office and help challenge any unreasonable delays.  

If the application is unsuccessful, our team will: 

  1. Advise on  challenging the Home Office refusal decision in the First Tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chambers); 

  2. Explain the timeframe and process of an appeal procedure in the UK; 

  3. Occasionally represent the child and their family members in the appeal process, alongside a UK barrister; 

  4. If the team is unable to represent the child in the appeal process, we will promptly refer them to external immigration lawyers for representation.  

Supporting Afghan refugees at risk

Safe Passage has a dedicated team in the UK and France working to support Afghans fleeing persecution and the Taliban. For more details on the Safe Passage Afghan Team.

Do you need our help? Get in touch to see if we can help:

Fighting for justice

When there are significant delays to refugees accessing safe routes to safety and unlawful decisions are made on children's cases, we challenge the Home Office by taking them to court. Our aim is to address the serious problems refugees face accessing a route to safety, as well as increase support for young asylum seekers and refugees in the UK. To find out more about our fight for justice click here.