Safe Passage France

Supporting child refugees to reunite with their families

Our team in France works to reunite child refugees with their families across Europe.

We support refugee children in France who are looking to reach relatives elsewhere in Europe, as well as supporting child refugees around the world who want to reach their family in France.

We are in the unique position of being a French organisation, specialising in family reunion, that has staff members in both Greece and the UK. This is vital for our work in guiding refugees through the whole process of refugee family reunion.

France: a country of departure ...

Since 2016, we have helped more than 250 minors join their families in the UK.

By offering safe alternatives to unaccompanied refugees, we want to protect them before they reach the Calais region, where they will be exposed to the daily dangers of people smugglers. 

Since the UK left the EU, we have worked to help children navigate the complex legal process that is the UK’s current ‘entry clearance family reunion’ rules.

... and a host country

On the Greek islands, children are kept in camps with unsanitary conditions, waiting for their transfer to the mainland. Many have family in France and need help to reach them.

Safe Passage France provides legal support to children who wish to join a family member in France. Working in conjunction with Safe Passage Greece, we guide refugee children through the EU’s Dublin III family reunion mechanism, offering them social and legal support as they navigate the process.

Supporting Afghans at risk

Safe Passage has a dedicated team in the UK and France working to support Afghans fleeing the Taliban. For more details on the Safe Passage Afghan Team.

Get in touch with Safe Passage France

For all queries related to family reunion to France where the applicant is already inside the EU, please email:

For all queries related to family reunion to France from outside the EU, please email:

For all other queries, please email:

Safe Passage France is proudly supported by Barreau de Paris Solidarité.