Donate to and support anti-racism organisations.

This refugee week we are raising money for Safe Passage, but we also want to encourage our supporters to give to Black-led campaigns and organisations that fight racism and discrimination in the UK. We cannot be a community fighting for migrant justice unless we are also fighting for racial justice. We have a responsibility to do whatever we can together to tackle racism in all its forms.  

Below are a list of suggested organisations that you can donate to now, and throughout the year. If you can't afford to donate, then please consider supporting them in other ways.

  • Black Lives Matter UK
    A coalition of black activists and organisers across the UK,
    organising since 2016 for justice in their communities.

  • Charity So White
    Mobilises the power of people of colour in the charity
    sector to tackle institutional racism in the sector.

  • Exist Loudly Fund
    For programming to support Queer Black Young People in London
    as well as nationally and internationally online.

  • Imkaan
    The only UK national second-tier women’s organisation dedicated to
    addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls.

  • Operation Black Vote
    Exists to ensure we have greater racial justice and equality throughout the UK,
    specifically working within the democratic and civic framework.

  • StopWatch
    A coalition which promotes effective, accountable and fair policing and
    provides legal support challenging stop and search.

  • The Black Curriculum

    A social enterprise founded in 2019 by young people to address the lack
    of Black British history in the UK Curriculum.

  • The United Families and Friends Campaign
    A coalition of those affected by deaths in police, prison and psychiatric
    custody and supports others in similar situations.

We've also collected some information relating to racism, as well as some other campaigns that need your support, that we wanted to share with you. This is just a small selection of what is out there. Please do consider reading or sharing with others, especially if you are not a person of colour yourself.


250+ faith leaders write to PM on World Refugee Day


220 organisations demand an increase in asylum support rates