Dear Prime Minister, help Afghan families reunite

Today, Safe Passage and over 100 Afghan activists and organisations have written to the Prime Minister asking the Government to help Afghans evacuated to the UK bring family to join them in safety.

Amir, Safe Passage International Young Leader, who arrived in the UK from Afghanistan through Operation Pitting evacuations in August 2021 and was seperated from his family in the process, handed in the letter at No 10.

The letter in full:

17 January 2023 

 Dear Prime Minister,  

Nearly eighteen months since Operation Pitting, we are deeply concerned that families torn apart during the evacuation remain separated.    

We are asking you, Prime Minister, to honour the commitments made to Afghan families. Will you today recommit to reunite families separated during the evacuations as the Government promised? Living in uncertainty, Afghan refugees are desperate to know that you have not forgotten their loved ones and will deliver on the promises made as Kabul fell.   

Brothers and sisters, parents and children, husbands and wives were separated in the chaos of trying to get on a flight in August 2021. At the time, your Government rightly recognised that families belong together and promised that those airlifted to safety would be resettled with their loved ones. However, nearly a year and a half on families are being kept apart because no process has been put in place for their reunification under the Afghan Citizen Resettlement Scheme.  

It is hard for those in the UK to carry on and move forward whilst desperately missing their relatives left behind – their lives are not complete without their loved ones. Evacuees are trying to rebuild their lives in the UK but can only think of family they long to see in safety – including women, girls, those from vulnerable religious and ethnic minority communities. Many are struggling to concentrate in school, start work despite being highly skilled or settle into life here after sleepless nights worrying about family in hiding and at extreme risk. The separation is causing colossal strain on the mental health of families.  

Separated families cannot wait a day longer. They need a quick and effective route to family reunion so that they can hug and hold each other again. The Ukraine Family Scheme shows that the Government can help families reunite at pace. Today, just as the Government rightly responded to save Ukrainian lives, we ask that you act with the same urgency to bring Afghan families to safety.  

Families and the charities supporting them are anxious to find a solution. Will you meet with representatives of these families and charities, who can share their experiences and work with you to develop a way forward?   

Yours sincerely, 


Abdullah Farroukh 

Abdulrahman Bdiwi, Young Leaders at Safe Passage  

Afsana Hamidy  

Alice Giuliato, Head of Services, RAMFEL 

Alison Pickup, Director, Asylum Aid 

Amber Bauer, CEO, forRefugees 

Amir, Photographer  

Andrea Cleaver, CEO, Welsh Refugee Council 

Anna Jones, Co-Founder & CEO, RefuAid 

Aryan Sanghrajka, Founder and Managing Director, Forced to Flee 


Bahar, Chair of Bahar Women`s association  

Bashir Fatehi 

Becky Hart, Supervising Lawyer, Afghan Pro Bono Initiative 

Ben Gilchrist, Chief Executive, Caritas Shrewsbury 

Beth Gardiner-Smith, Safe Passage International  

Brian Mitchell, Immigration Legal Adviser, Notre Dame Refugee Centre 

Caitlin Boswell, Policy and Advocacy Manager, JCWI 

Caroline Coombs, CEO, Reunite Families UK

Carolyn Housman, CEO of Children and Families Across Borders, Children and Families Across Borders 

Catharine Walston, Trustee, Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign 

Claire Thomas, Deputy Director, Minority Rights Group 

Clare Moseley, CEO, Care4Calais 

Cllr Peymana Assad, Councillor for Roxeth, London Borough of Harrow 

David Brown, Chair, Birmingham City of Sanctuary Committee 

Debbie Royle, Deputy Director, Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum 

Denise McDowell, Chief Executive, Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit (GMIAU) 

Dhananjayan Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive, Oxfam GB 

Dr Edie Friedman, Executive Director, The Jewish Council for Racial Equality (JCORE) 

Dr Nooralhaq Nasimi MBE, Director, Afghanistan & Central Asian Association 

Efi Stathopoulou, Programmes Manager, Refugee Legal Support 

Eleanor Brown, CEO, CARAS 

Elizabeth Palmer, CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society (England and Wales) 

Elizabeth Winter, Executive Director, British and Irish Agencies Afghanistan Group (BAAG) 

Emily Crowley , Chief Executive, Student Action for Refugees 

Emma Stevenson , Deputy CEO, Choose Love 

Enver Solomon, CEO, Refugee Council  

Esmatullah Khyber, PhD student  

Fahim Zazai, Managing Director, Afghan Community and Welfare Centre 

Fahima Zaheen, CEO, Afghan Association Paiwand  

Fiona Vale, Service Manager, BEGIN (Basic Educational Guidance in Nottinghamshire) 

Frank Kamau, Business Development Manager, Mojatu Foundation 

Geoffrey Curl, Refugee Support Volunteer 

Hashmatullah Mujaddedi, Member, Afghan Association Paiwand  

Heshmat Assadi, Founder /Chief, Eagle Eyes NGO Association 

Hezel Ndlovu, Family Reunion Caseworker, PAFRAS- Positive Action For Refugees  And  Asylum Seekers 

Homira May Rezai, Chairwoman, Hazara Committee 

James Bajgar 

James Joseph, Azadi Charity Executive Assistant/ Hazara APPG Secretariat 

Jenni Regan, CEO, IMIX 

Jo Cobley, CEO, Young Roots 

Joel Mordi 

Jonathan Griffin, Chief Executive, Immigration Law Practitioners Association 

Jonny Willis, CEO, Refugee Youth Service 

Joseph Seaton, At Risk Teachers 

Julie Bishop, Director, Law Centres Network 

Juliette Bone, Client Participation Worker, Nottingham and Notts Refugee Forum 

Kat Lorenz, Director, Asylum Support Appeals Project 

Katie Rogers 

Laure-Helene Piron, UK Afghanistan Diplomacy and Development Alliance 

Lavin, Student, Safe Passage 

Leah Gayer, Co-director, Compass Collective 

Lilian Geijsen, European Director, Ben & Jerry’s 

Liz Windsor-Welsh, Chief Executive, Action Together 

M Mujaddedi, Afghan Association Paiwand  

Marcela Navarrete, Partner, Wilson Solicitors LLP 

Mark Goldring, Director, Asylum Welcome 

Mark Seymour, Refugee Project Manager, The Gap Wales 

Mel Steel, Director, Voices in Exile 

Melina Safari, Director  

Mia Hasenson-Gross, Executive Director, René Cassin, the Jewish voice for human rights 

Mr Anthony Boateng, Vice-President of the Methodist Conference, Methodist Church of Britain 

Nahid Farid 

Naomi Jackson, Development Lead, Social Workers Without Borders 

Nazek Ramadan, Executive Director, Migrant Voice 

Nick Harborne, CEO, Refugee Support Group 

Paul Hook, Director, Asylum Matters  

Rafi Hottak, Translator, Azadi Charity 

Reset Communities and Refugees

Rev Fiona Bennett, General Assembly Moderator, United Reformed Church 

Revd Graham Thompson, President of the Methodist Conference, Methodist Church of Britain 

Revd. Lynn Green, General Secretary, Baptist Union of Great Britain 

Rohullah Samoon, Volunteer, Afghan Association Paiwand 

Roqia, Afghan Association Paiwand 

Ros Holland, Chief Executive, Boaz Trust 

Rose Njoroge, Casework Co-ordinator, Slough Refugee Support 

Sabir Zazai, CEO, Scottish Refugee Council

Sahar Rahimi  

Saheem, Interpreter 


Sarah Fenby-Dixon, Afghanistan Consultant, Global Witness 

Sarah Magill, Managing Director, Azadi Charity 

Sian Summers-Rees, Chief Officer, City of Sanctuary UK 

Sophie Reid, MSYP, SYP Chair, Scottish Youth Parliament 

Steve Newman, Chair, FODI (Sunderland) 

Steven Martin, Director, Channel Rescue 

Syed Wafeeullah, Self employed, Afghan Association Paiwand  

Tamana Safi 

Tim Naor Hilton, CEO, Refugee Action 

Tufail Hussain, UK Director, Islamic Relief 

Tyler Fox, Director, Springboard Youth Academy 

Vicki Felgate and Kayte Cable, Co-Founders, Big Leaf Foundation 


William Nicholas Gomes, Director, The William Gomes Podcast  

Zahra Shaheer, Volunteer and fellowship with Refugee Council and LCC Refugee Journalism Project 

Zee Azizi, Student, Georgia State University 

Zehra Zaidi, Action for Afghanistan 

A group of campaigners and young people with lived experience of seeking asylum from Safe Passage stand in front of the Thames in London holding banners that read 'Reunite Afghan Families'

Campaigning to #ReuniteAfghanFamilies


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