Our response to tragic shipwreck off Greece

We are extremely saddened by the tragic news that dozens of people have died in a shipwreck off the coast of Greece. In one of the biggest ever refugee boat tragedies, our hearts go out to the families and loved ones of all those who have lost their lives. 

The tragic truth is that we’ve seen this happen before. These deaths could – and should - have been prevented. No one should have to risk their life to reach safety. Every day, men, women and children are having to make extraordinary efforts to reach safety, sanctuary and loved ones because there is no other way.  

If ever we needed a stark reminder that Europe’s approach of deterrence is not working, this is it. To prevent yet more repeated tragedies, refugees urgently need safe routes to reach their loved ones, find refuge and have the chance to rebuild their lives. 

Whilst European countries have rightly provided protection to refugees fleeing Ukraine, not enough has been done for others fleeing war and persecution. In response to this tragedy, countries across Europe must show collective leadership and cooperation in offering refugees safe passage and a safe haven. People should not have to put their lives and the lives of their children into the hands of smugglers to reach sanctuary.     


Our response to the Illegal Migration Bill becoming law


Announcement on leadership at Safe Passage