Responding to five precious lives lost in the Channel today

Overnight, and just after the awful Rwanda Bill was finally passed in Parliament, it’s been reported that five people, including a four-year-old girl, have lost their lives off the French coast trying to reach protection in the UK.

Dr Wanda Wyporska, chief executive officer at Safe Passage International: “Waking up to news of men, women and a child dying in such a harrowing way is devastating. This was entirely preventable.

“This loss of life comes just hours after the Government ruthlessly pushed through the cruel Rwanda Bill. It won’t disrupt the smugglers’ grip on dangerous journeys, with refugees suffering for this Government’s failures.

“We need safe routes, such as a refugee visa urgently, so people fleeing war and persecution have safe ways to reach the UK to ask for protection or reunite with family. Our thoughts are with those who died, and their loved ones who may not even know yet of their loss.”


Broken refugee family reunion policy fails to provide safe route


Reaction to passing of cruel Rwanda Bill